Services Performed

August 2013

Bike washed on the outside
Bike washed again more inside
Rear Luggage Rack removed and lightly polished more to do
Some Chrome Polished around the bike with OOO Steel Wool

New Plugs August 11,2013 ...... NGK D8EA
Brakes flushed
Final Drive Splines greased August 24,2013 Honda Moly 60
Final Drive Zerk Fitting shot with grease August 28, 2013 6 pumps Moly 60
All screws and bolts get polished on wheel that have been removed

1 comment:

  1. I have same year but red. I would like to replace the timing belt but I scary about who is going to work on her. Same thing with the carburetors. She has 43K miles and I don't have any records if previous owners replaced the timing belt in the past. I would like to hear your suggestions. Thank you very much in advance.Alex
